Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Please help me figure this out. about myspace comments?

I responded to someones myspace with a very lengthy comment and in order to get it on, I had to break it into 4 messages. I had repeated this post on my own comments and sent part four firs and one last do that when you read it all the pages were in order from top to bottom.

When I sent them to this uy he had a filter where he has to approve them first so I could not see, what wa showing until he approved then and they are all out of order and I sent one twice and so one is on there twice and one is missing and all are in order. I want to delete them and resend them in the right order but would I send him comment part one first or last in order for the first part to be at the top of his myspace list..I think 4th should be sent first but I am not sure..does anyone know

Please help me figure this out. about myspace comments?

Yes, myspace comments are displayed from newest to oldest. So if you were to post the 4th item first, then 3rd, then 2nd, then would look like this on their page:

1 : New %26lt;----Post Last

2 : Old %26lt;---Post 3rd

3 : Older %26lt;---Post 2nd

4 : Oldest %26lt;---Post 1st

When the person you're sending the comments to starts to approve them, it won't matter what order they approve it in, the displaying of the comments on his page will have the same result.

Please help me figure this out. about myspace comments?

still show up in the order I sent them which was 4 3 2 1. since it did show up in the order I sent them despite receiver rude response that he will decided what order they are posted in, that maybe James was right as they are now showing on his comments in Report It

Please help me figure this out. about myspace comments?

the correct order making it easier for the reader. Almost feel like deleting them as receiver turned out to be such a jerk but spent too much time writing them to delete them..thanks everyone Report It

Please help me figure this out. about myspace comments?

Firstly go to his page and click on "View All' Comments and it will let you delete yours.

And yea, you would have to send 4. first or in other words the last part of the message first.

Hope this helps..

Please help me figure this out. about myspace comments?

Yes you would send him 4 then 3 then 2 then 1, but if he checks the comments from newest to oldest then you should send 1 then 2 then 3 then 4, so that 4 will be the newest one and he can approve it first then 3 will be next below that to be approved....etc.....or you could send him part 4 wait for it to be approved then part 3 etc...

Hope this has been helpful.

Please help me figure this out. about myspace comments?

if you wanted them to be in order yo.u would have to put the 4th one first bcasuse then when you look at them on a page it wont be like





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