my boyfriend has been deleting my myspace comments. its so weird. and im worried. he only deletes ones that talk about "us" or 'I love you' ones. he said its because his mom goes to his page. which I find very weird...we are 19, we've been dating a year, and his mom loves me. he said that whenever I leave sutff like that his mom always says things like "thats so cute" and that bothers him.
But I dont know if I should believe him or not. I have no reason not to but thats just a little weird.
Boyfriend deletes my myspace comments?
my boyfriend used to do this, too. i think it's b/c my level of "mooshy-ness" and his level of mooshy-ness are completely different. he probably wants to keep the i love you's and etc. between you and him and not for the world (and all his friends and mom) to see. that's all that it is. i don't think it's another girl or long as you have pictures of yourself on his space and it says he's in a relationship then you have nothing to worry about. he just doesn't want to be taunted by his mama and his boys!
Boyfriend deletes my myspace comments?
yeah thats a bit weird
maybe its that he isnt comfortable with his mates seeing it
Boyfriend deletes my myspace comments?
dont believe him.
he has something going on or wants something to go on between other girls and doesnt want you to seem like his girlfriend.
myspace is the biggest dating source.
if it was really his mom, wouldnt she stop by now if shes been doing it for a while?
and he can adjust his privacy settings
Boyfriend deletes my myspace comments?
You're answering your on question sweety. if you trust him , let him alone until you find out differently.
Boyfriend deletes my myspace comments?
That is wierddddd. I think you really talk to him about this. Is he really into you. Whenever i delete anyone or my love's comments i delete them all because its a new year and i delete all the old ones. Maybe he just doesn't like his mom cueing those words out lolol....maybe its annoying when she does say it. But if you keep on sending them, she would still say it. Well talk to him, tell him your feelings about that and what his feelings are too. Good luck!
Boyfriend deletes my myspace comments?
mmm strange, perhaps ashamed to admit he is in love
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