So everyone has these comments that magically appear on your friends comments but though they say they are from you you never posted them... Is there a way to block those?
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
Go to you account settings and you can make it where you can view comments before they are posted on your page and choose to delete them or put them on your page.
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
some one might be hacking your acount change your pass word??
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
someone hacked your account, change your password
then have your friends delete the comments
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
It's spam. You have to change your password.
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
Yes, you just have to change your privacy settings. You can set them so you have to approve the comments, before they are posted. That way, if you don't like them, you don't have to post them. Good luck! :)
***Change your password too!***
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
Someone has your password or something. Computers hackers steal them for adviertisement. This happened to me. You just have to change your password to something more secure.
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
yeah there is go to ur acount settings and go into spam and put for ur comments to be on private so when someone posts a comment u have to approve it first and if u don't want it there just deny it!!!
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
yeah, you go into your account settings somewhere and it will say if you want to preview / approve all comments and emails before they are posted on your page.
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
no, but u can deny the comment, or if u couldn't deny it just erase it.
heres my email on myspace if u wanna find out more
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
Change your password. You probably signed up for something and they got your password. If you want to get them off yourpage, go to comments and delete it, and change you account settings to make comments need aproval, and then they never get on your page in the first place.
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
you need to change your password. if posts are going onto your friend's pages that say you did them and you didn't (bulletins may also be posted), you have been phished (your acct was hacked into). if you update your password every month this won't happen. As for blocking general comments, you can change your account settings to make sure you approve comments that get sent to your page, but not a friend's page. Good Luck!
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
You have no right to block anyone's comments. You can report things that are not tasteful, sexually offensive, hateful or advocating violence or mayhem.
IF comments appear on your friends question replys and you did not post them, tell your friend that it was not you. If your friend knows you, and you are really friends, they will trust that you did not put that comment on the forum. Remember that real friends Never have to ask those kind of questions or provide answers to that situation.
Can you block myspace comments that you don't approve?
yes you can go to account setting, then you go to spam, then you just click on the check mark where it say approve comment before posting....if any other question my URL is myspace com/Cuqui19
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