OKay I need the code where i can block my comments for myspace.but the view all and add comments still is there.please help me im in danger!!!!!
Whats the code for blocking your comments on myspace where no one can see them? put this code at the bottom of your "who i'd like to meet" section:
%26lt;div style="position: relative;
height: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
border: 0px;"%26gt;
and change the height to adjust how far up your page this covers, for example the higher the number, the lower down your page it will cover. therefore you can choose to cover your friends as well as your comments. this is what mine does.
alternatively if you want to cover friends and comments but still have a "view all" and "add comment" link, all you need to do is use this code:
%26lt;a href=http://comment.myspace.com/index.cf... YOUR FRIEND ID]%26amp;MyToken=288204f0-92b4-406e-a082-24b0...
and enter your own friend id.
this will make a link taking people directly to your comment page.
%26lt;a href="http://comment.myspace.com/index.c... YOUR FRIEND ID}%26amp;MyToken=0c21e93a-1fe4-4d81-ac49-efba... All%26lt;/a%26gt;
and again, enter your friend id, this will make a link to your "view all" page.
stick these codes where ever on your page you want the links!
any problems email me =]
sorry, just looking at it its cut all the urls in half.
what you need to do is just go on somebody elses comments/view all page and copy the url
put it in this code:
%26lt;a href="PUT URL HERE"%26gt;Comment/view all (this is the bit that appears on your page%26lt;/a%26gt;
remember to enter your own friend id
sorry about that!
Whats the code for blocking your comments on myspace where no one can see them? put this code at the end of about me sec. or beginning of who id like to meet sec...... here is the code.
%26lt;div style="display:none"%26gt; %26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;
but it hide your freinds too.
hope it help =)
Whats the code for blocking your comments on myspace where no one can see them? ok for the future you can google terms like "hide comments" or "hide friends" and sites will come up. it's easier then you think.
to hide comments:
%26lt;div style="position:relative; height:400px; overflow:hidden; border:0px;"%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;table%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;...
put it in your about me section
Whats the code for blocking your comments on myspace where no one can see them? This hides ONLY comments and NOT friends too ^^
Put on very bottom of 'who i'd like to meet'
Whats the code for blocking your comments on myspace where no one can see them? Put this in the bottom of "who i'd like to meet":
it's the most simple code there is, so you won't have to adjust any numbers because sometimes you might have to when numbers are involved.